How to contribute
All contributions are welcome and you will find the account information below.
Please complete the contribution by sending us an email to
Some banks don't include the senders name unless stated by the owner of the account and we would like to thank you personally for your kind donation.
Bankgiro: 829-4308
Account number at SEB 5293-10 104 64
Iban number: SE6250000000052931010464
When making bank transfer please add your name and e-mail so we can thank you properly.
SWISH (Sweden only): 123 082 5125
Swedish organization number: 802477-3429

Legal status
African Apes is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, registered in Stockholm, Sweden on 15 November 2011.
The Foundation is an independent, humanitarian, non-political, non-religious organization.
Since April 2012 the organization is registered as a charitable limited company under the name African Apes Limited in Nairobi, Kenya.